I love the "Couple coming out of the Temple" pictures, but this one I for some reason really love! I don't know if it's because I know Steph so well and can just tell what she's
thinking, or if it's because of Reese trying not to bust out in a huge smile(which he did right after this picture), but these two are totally and crazily in love....still. They have been
married now for three years(?) If I am wrong, I'll make the change. I just love these two! |
LDS Weddings are a photographers dream with the Temple as a back ground it really captures the mood of a wedding or a new beginning in life where two people become one.
Scenes like this make wedding photography special. Being a photographer is a great occupation if your a hopeless romantic.
This was a great day for a great wedding couple!
Gorgeous bride!
The Mount Timpanogos Temple is a great LDS Wedding site in Utah County.
Colettey baby girly momma, thank you for being such a wonderful friend & photographer! These pictures are gorgeous - and not because of who's in them but because of who took them! I can never fully express my gratitude. You are the best -ever!